The only thing left was to unwrap the leg, and to give her a name ....... (never name people, or objects after beer), so that will have to wait till later today (that's the mechanically minded Lizzy in the background, as one of the others said "Most ! awsome ! present ! ever!"
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Having fun and trying new things because you are never too old to learn.... love life!
About Me
- Name: gemma
- Location: Kandos, NSW, Australia
I have four wonderful children, brilliant as stars and a thorough delight to my heart. There's currently 5 cats and 1 dog who rule the roost and there are chickens currently being hatched ready to make the Dunn Street Beer Garden their new home. I've moved to the country and I've never been busier. I'm Secretary for the local CWA, volunteer at the Museum and have my dream job of working in a yarn shop.
Previous Posts
- Photo montage from my birthday (please blogger, pl...
- This lovely arrangement is brought to me by Elizab...
- cake2 Originally uploaded by Gemma_Anne Out of...
- The photos are of the promise of cupcakes, the toe...
- kitten
- The sock that never ends is still on the needles! ...
- one for Ben.cheers (heart attack central coming up)
- Woot!!!!!!I have four tickets to Phantom of the Op...
- Guess whose cricket team got sponsored by XXXXgold...
- casting on
That's a good rule ("Hi! Have you met my kids? This is Corona, Steinlager, Coopers and Heiniken...")
Great birthday gift, btw!
And wait at least a week after you've read a great sci-fi book as well...
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