Here for your viewing pleasure (although with the flash the orange/pink is a little washed out) is Mt Fuji by Mandie at
EGMTKand purple reign, painted by me, spun by me, really purple/pink.
Both were spun on my top whorl spindle, enabled by Barbara of
Yarn magazine, .
Labels: spinning news

This is how I spent Sunday, or at least part of it. My mum, neice and nephew, at the small ones' First Communions.
Labels: Isabelle, weekends
that's just too close to home folks. The Police used my street to get dressed in their riot gear, and parked their cars there, 30 seconds walk from the shooting scene.
Labels: Southern Sydney Shooting
Avast Y'all

This little guy was on my computer when I arrived for work today. Do I have the best boss in the world or what?
Grrrrrl to all and talk like a pirate!
Labels: talk like a pirate 07

How pretty is that shawl? Made in Paton's star shine with pretty pink star shine crochet flowers, gifted by one of my brilliant and tallented daughters. (yep, I am a spinning ho, three different fibres on the go, on two pieces of equipment, and that's not even thinking about the WIP's in knitting)
Labels: shawl, star shine

Forgot the Dandylion!
Crikey, and the mystery flower, silk daisy in totally improbable colour from the local $2 store, because long ago I decided priorities in the garden, and things that needed to be replaced, or really looked after did not figure high on the list, replanting annuals/knitting/pulling out weeds/knitting, you tell me, which would you rather do? Yep me too!!
Happy Saturday one and all!
Labels: Duh

This is the Mt Fuji roving from Mandie at
Ewe Give me the KnitsShe does lovely work, and it sure sells out fast!
Today being spring (wow two whole saturdays in a row) I am enjoying trimming the grass and weeds that thrive in my "olde wilde garden" (at least that is my excuse for the look of the garden and I'm sticking to it!).

my front lawn in extreme close up, yes it really is that dry in Sydney.
I include for your viewing pleasure, a dandylion, parsley, rosemary, lemon tree and mint, all grown together with a verrrry exotic pink flower. (If you can't work out what it is I'll tell you later) and what garden is complete without pest control .....

And being a good crazy knitting lady, I will finish with a somewhat unusual view of my dopey cat.

Just had to get closer to the camera, didn't you Bandit???
spring berries
Peeping in the corner of the picture is the lovely jasmine, with the brilliant red berries of the nandina
Here's someone who was really busy on Sunday. I love spring in Sydney, even round the burbs where I live there is so much colour.
I often start a story in the middle, not the beginning when I am telling people about things (am I scattered brained? only a lot). Anyhoo, there are two bikes in pieces on my garage floor. (yep that sounds like the middle).
Started out with the younger daughter buying a bike (for fun and exercise) and putting it together. When the AH found out he ended up dragging his old bike out of the shed and putting it into a roadworthy condition in order to ride with her. I think they have just finished replacing a tube in his rear tire, and putting the wheel back on. Next sliding the chain around the gears and pumping all the tires, and hopefully enough dry weather to let the two of them go for a ride.
Its a long time since any of us have had our bikes out on the road, so maybe a nice quiet bike track to start with eh you two?
Talking of quiet, APEC is over, and so air traffic around my place should return to something like normal soon. (I live within coo'ee of Bankstown airport, and every bloody motorcade, which all city people cursed for the traffic interruptions, had to have at least one police helicoptor escort.) One of those bloody world leaders arrived at about 1am on Friday morning - must have been important, they got two heli's - so I am a bit over the whole thing. Rant over.
The lovely spring showers have brought out heaps of native flowers all over the neighbourhood, trees, shrubs and alll kinds of little flowers peeping around the usual greenery, so life is verrrry pretty at present. photos to follow.
And ISE5 signups are on now ......... wahoo!
Labels: APEC
Please someone put me out of my misery.
We do a fair bit of legal work in this practice, and so we are always being served with subpoena's, to produce, to give evidence. Well today this spiv got out of the lift and headed towards our door, sheef of documents in hand. So, I was about to leave for the daily shopping, but I called out to the doc to come and accept the subpoena from the "process server" since I was running away.
Oh FSM, imaging my shock/horror when I realised it was one of Sydneys top barristers on his day off dropping stuff off in person, not a subpoena, but real documents. I mean these guys should wear suits, not jeans and sweaters. Worse and worse, he's a friend of the doctors in real life, so gets greeted with a hug and both of them in hysterical laughter over the whole process server thing. But it gets worse.
When I get back from the shops, on the phone is a lawyer, who is so busy laughing at my whole greet the stranger at the door manner, and he knows the whole story. The bloody law fraternity gossip like teenagers, that's all I can say. I have a bad feeling I will hear about this for a long time to come.
Labels: embarrassment